
Margaret Mihlon has been intimately involved in playing and teaching croquet, as well as promoting and financially supporting the National Croquet Center from its dream stage, and for supporting the United States Croquet Association for many, many years.
Margaret Mihlon has been intimately involved in playing and teaching croquet, as well as promoting and financially supporting the National Croquet Center from its dream stage, and for supporting the United States Croquet Association for many, many years.
She started playing croquet in 1982 at the Green Gables Croquet Club in Spring Lake, NJ. She was an officer on the Board of Green Gables and has been involved in the organizational level of the croquet management boards at the National Croquet Center and the Beach Club. As a member of the Ambassador’s Committee at the Center, she chaired many fundraisers at the N.C.C. and U.S.C.A. She devoted many hours to planning and programming the Hall of Fame dinners.
Margaret demonstrates her love, loyalty and good sportsmanship of the sport not only through her tireless energy volunteering many hours teaching at Spring Lake and now at the Beach Club, but can also be seen at many tournaments diligently keeping deadness boards for the participants. While Margaret isn’t playing, she is minding a board for someone else.
Margaret is not only a dedicated volunteer working for croquet, but an accomplished player. She always presents herself as a true ambassador of the sport of croquet.
Margaret Mihlon was inducted into the United States Croquet Hall of Fame in 2010.