
Richard “Dick” Brackett started his croquet career in 1998 when, at Croquet Professional Bob Kroeger’s invitation, he played in the beginner’s flight of a charity tournament in Massachusetts. By 1990, Dick was the manager of the Reebok International Croquet Tournament at Palm Beach Polo, in Wellington, FL. Very quickly, he was on the fast track of developing championship level croquet skills and taking on a long list of management positions in service to the sport. For the past 15 years, Dick started and ran the “Palm Beach County Summer League Golf Croquet League” to promote our sport to the community and it has worked well.
Richard “Dick” Brackett started his croquet career in 1998 when, at Croquet Professional Bob Kroeger’s invitation, he played in the beginner’s flight of a charity tournament in Massachusetts. By 1990, Dick was the manager of the Reebok International Croquet Tournament at Palm Beach Polo, in Wellington, FL. Very quickly, he was on the fast track of developing championship level croquet skills and taking on a long list of management positions in service to the sport.
Dick is a past or present member of five prominent croquet clubs, including Boston C.C., Newport Casino C.C., New York C.C. (also a Board member), Palm Beach C.C., and the National Croquet Club. Dick’s long business background in banking and financial planning was to enable him to help run these clubs and many management committees that conduct the sport of croquet, both locally and nationally.
The long list of Dick’s accomplishments in croquet management includes: President of USCA from 2001 to 2005; Treasurer of USCA from 1993 to 2001; and Treasurer of Croquet Enterprises from 2003 through 2004. He received the 1995 Volunteer of the Year Award for designing a functional accounting system for the USCA. To aid fundraising, he arranged for two Rolls Royce automobiles to be donated to the CFA/USCA for fund raising raffles in 2003 and 2004. In his four year term as USCA President, Dick was greatly committed to his large responsibilities on a day-to-day basis and was well respected among the staff and croquet members across the country. He saw a real enhancement of the USCA in the World Croquet Federation, including the United States hosting the Mac Robertson Shield tournament and the World Croquet Championships at N.C.C. As a result of many of his efforts, the United States is now a respected and successful competitor throughout the international croquet world.
Dick’s Championship Flight successes in tournaments over the years include wins at thirteen croquet clubs. Nationally, he won the USCA Club Teams Doubles in 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007, the USCA Seniors/Masters Doubles 2010, and the USCA Golf Croquet Nationals Doubles in 2007. Regionally, he won the Mid-Atlantic Doubles in 2001 and the Northeast Regional (Montreal) Singles and Doubles in 2005. At Club Invitationals, he won Laura Hart (Doubles 1995, Singles & Doubles 1998); Greenwich (Singles 1998, 200, 2001 and Doubles 2000); Meadow Club (Singles 1999, 2001); Merion Cricket Club (Doubles 2000, Singles 2006); Berkshire (2001); Palm Beach Croquet (2004); Piping Rock (Doubles 2006); and Jekyll Island (Singles 2010).
Dick represented the United States at the Golf Croquet World Championships in 2002 and 2004. He organized and ran the Palm Beach County Summer golf croquet league in 2009 and 2010 at the National Croquet Center. He continues to run the league which occurs for five weeks each summer.
Dick’s 23 years as a challenging competitor and dedicated volunteer have justly earned him the Hall of Fame honor.
Richard “Dick” Brackett was inducted into the United States Croquet Hall of Fame in 2011.